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Stillwater, Maine, United States

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I know, I know. I should be ashamed of myself. I don't know the exact date of my last post, and I'm not sure I want to know. But I'm back now. And that's something- right?

It's been a busy summer! So much new stuff is going on! I've been heading our local jewelry guild, Jewelry Artisans of Maine, for the last few months. We have some exciting things planned for the future. On September 19th, we're going gem collecting at Mt. Apatite near the Lewiston/Auburn area. I've never been collecting before, but a fellow member has been several times. She has agreed to lead the pack! So exciting! We also have been doing member-run demos at our meetings. Last month we met at Anne's house for a pool party and Dichroic Glass demo. So much fun! My husband has really taken to the dichroic glass and fused glass part of jewelry design. I'm pretty sure a glass business is in his future... Here's a picture of our first attempt at Dichroic Glass Cabochons. The top three are mine, and the bottom three are Daves.
I've had a bunch of shows this summer. Preparing for shows doesn't really leave a TON of time for playing with new designs, but I've managed to get a few in there. I've started making chunky stone rings with more than just a cool band- Here are a few pics of my favorites:

What do you think? I guess that's it for now. I'll post some of my favorite new pendants on the next post! Thanks for sticking with me during this hiatus, guys! I really appreciate your support! Hope all is well with you and yours!

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by all TEAM ESST blogs to get to know everyone.


Got an idea, or just a general comment for me- feel free! I love to gather other opinions!