About Me

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Stillwater, Maine, United States

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Format

So as you can see, I've had a bit of trouble this month committing to this lonely blog. I've come up with a new format and structure to kind of help me stay on task. I have so many groups I belong to, so many ideas running through my head, and so many new business strategies I could be blogging about, that when it comes time to post, my mind becomes a tornado of ideas and it's easier to NOT blog than to sort it all out. Hopefully this new format will help me with that...
Here it is:

Jewelry Artisans of Maine
New Projects for the week
What's my motivation?/Finding my momentum
Etsy Maine Team
Upcoming Shows
New wholesale/consignment partners
Etsy Jewelry Sampler Team
I want to learn...
I want to teach...
Etsy Supplies Street Team
Business Tips/Strategies
Online Marketing
What did I accomplish this week?
What could I have done to be more productive?
Shops I love
Featured Local Artisans
Blog Giveaways
Goals for Next Week

Not only do I think that this will help me stay on task, but I think it will help this blog become a more purposeful tool in my business success, and maybe even yours! :) Thanks again everyone, for following this little online piece of my mind!

1 comment:

Got an idea, or just a general comment for me- feel free! I love to gather other opinions!